Just when I thought I was done with this blog you, New York, pull me back in. The above is the illustrious Foursquare founder trying to “ice” actual Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin at a Meatpacking District club. Icing has now jumped the shark. For you late-comers check out the instructional video below. I am going to now go ice Davey Delcourt and never speak of this trend again.
Because Logo's new show The A List is just a reality show filled with gay models. Seriously Logo. If you don't take that gAy List title now I'm gonna create my own gay reality show based in NYC. Come meet the cast.
I recently purchased this beautiful new TV which, apparently, is useless unless you have an antenna. So I got one of those and now I can watch FOX. Well, FOX and City Drive Live. And with FOX's line up I have to admit I can't turn away from this new channel. This video fish bowl flashes on different parts of New York City from the FDR to Riverside Drive to Times Square displaying traffic. Just traffic. Nothing else. I hate traffic when I'm in it but as an entertainment source it's UNBELIEVABLE. I'm just worried that if I leave it on for too long I'll see one of you get him by that taxi on the left.
Last month we warned you. Now it's here. We have taken off and are hiding in our secret bunkers from the 39422395870 posters, commercials, and subway ads sounding the arrival of the four archangels of apocalypse. These shoe shopping movie characters are now everywhere amongst us and it is only a matter of time before wanna-bes flock to our city and martinis are being sipped on every single upscale outdoor restaurant patio.
Just to encourage you out-of-towners to come sip your martinis in the city of lore here's a chance to win a trip for two to NYC to meet the Sex in the City 2 stylist for a VIP consult and new wardrobe. How Carrie!
We do! How exciting! And this time he ran off into the night like Batman, not even sticking around to let us see who he is and spend all summer praising him. Full article on Gawker.
I recommend starting out by watching people sit there across the table while Marina doesn't even have the good manners to say "Hello." Yeah. She sits at a table and anyone can just walk up, sit down across from her, and demand an autograph. She won't do it though. Here's a live video feed so you can watch her totally blow off her fans.
When you're bored of watching someone sit still all day long calling it performance art go check out all the naked people reliving her glory days when she would actually do stuff like lie naked on top of a skeleton. Def worth the admission fee.
We all know the bad news: the beloved TV show LOST ends next week. After the series finale five million fans will exclaim, "THAT'S IT? THAT'S IT?!?" and go on a Frankensteinesque rampage through our cities, ending civilization as we know it.
Before that happens you might be interested in checking out the Vilcek Foundation's LOST exhibit. It opens today and celebrates the artists and filmmakers behind LOST. The primary focus seems to be the images and biographies of 20 immigrant and first-generation contributors to the hit television show, including Executive Producer Carlton Cuse, writer Melinda Hsu Taylor, actor Jorge Garcia (Hurley), and cinematographer John Bartley.
Yeah. I know. All five seasons I've been wondering what made Melinda Hsu Taylor tick too. In my opinion, the real draw of the exhibit is the abundance of original props from the show. For a preview of what they're featuring check out this short video. The Vilcek Foundation is located at 167 East 73rd St.
It was just two weeks ago that we were reporting on the subway etiquette posters that then sparked violation reports. Now the city has been taken over with blame. Victim Number 1, as usual: the Hipsters.
Borough President Scott Stringer says "Only YOU can prevent ATM theft." When questioned further about his underworld dealings with fellow drug dealer Avon Barksdale, Stringer scratched his head and repeated himself.
Speaking as someone who usually identifies whether he's visited a restaurant or not by the graffiti on the neighboring outside ATM I have to say that I am appalled to hear that these ridiculously expensive contraptions are being pulled from sidewalks all over the city. That's right, instead of endangering the innocents who try to pull out $80 for a round of Patron from a shady ATM, a group of thieves are avoiding the human element altogether and just stealing the machines altogether. That's smarts for you. For the full story click here.
See something? Say something! Any topics that you think ought to be covered on this blog will be considered for way too long and agonized about intensely. Most of them will be used. E-mail 'em over.
Send this delightful waste of time on to your friends. And tell them to tell their friends. If they have any. Which they may not considering they're friends with you. Is that too mean? I am sorry.